Beginner West Coast Swing Lessons & Social Dancing!
Learn to dance! Have fun! Meet new people! Support a worthy cause!​​​

Total funds raised to date: $6,961!
(as of February 13, 2025!)
No dance experience, partner, or pre-registration required!
Pay at the door. (Cash only.)
Lesson only: $15
Social Dance only: $15.
Lesson & Social Dance: $25.*
100% of proceeds donated to Boston Children's Hospital.
*$5 off entry if you bring a non-perishable donation for the Franklin Food Pantry.

Join us for our next Friday night West Coast Swing Lesson & Dance!
What: Beginner WCS lesson & Social Dancing!
When: Lesson: 7-8pm. Social Dance: 8-11pm.
Who: Instructors Anna & Kevin Balcom and DJ Joe Mahoney!
Where: Franklin Elks Lodge, 1077 Pond St. Franklin, MA ​
Friday, March 7, 2025
Friday, April 18, 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025
Sunday, February 16, 2025
6-10pm | VFW | North Providence, RI
Join us for a fantastic night of WCS lessons and social dancing at the VFW in Providence Rhode Island. All proceeds benefit BostonChildren’s Hospital!
Advanced Beginner West Coast Swing Lesson
6PM TO 7PM with Instructors Kevin & Anna Balcom
Social Dancing
7PM TO 10PM: with DJ Joe Mahoney
Lesson Only $15 | Social Dance Only: $15 | Lesson & Dance: $25
(100% of proceed donated to Boston Children's Hospital.)
We will be collaborating with local and national pros/teachers to donate private lessons, as well as. local and national events to offer passes, in addition to a 50/50 raffle.
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) | North Providence, RI
354 Fruit Hill Ave, North Providence​​

Anna and Kevin Balcom have danced, competed and performed, throughout the U.S., Europe, and Australia and are excited to share their love of dance with the local community.

What is West Coast Swing?
West Coast Swing (WCS) is a partner dance, known for its creative, conversational style, emphasis on connection and elasticity, 'rolling' footwork, and adaptability to many genres of music–including blues, R&B, rock, pop, contemporary, and hip hop.
WCS is a modern form of swing dance which is typically slower, smoother, and more grounded than its "Big Band" style predecessors, Lindy Hop or East Coast Swing.
WCS is loved by dancers of all ages, skill sets, and ability around the world. The community is welcoming, non-judgmental, and friendly to dancers of all backgrounds, ethnicity, and life-styles.
Dance4Dreams is thankful for the support of our West Coast Swing friends in Boston and the surrounding area. For more information about WCS social dancing, lessons, workshops, and special events, please visit:
“Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances.”
~ Maya Angelou